Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Newborn Must Haves

Hello & Welcome to Rees.In.Pieces! 
Today my sister told me she shared my last post all about The Honest Company and one of her friends was a fresh new mommy too and loved it. So, I thought.. How else can I bring great information to my fellow new moms? I mean, we are all learning - why not share the knowledge? 
I thought maybe I'd share my NEWBORN MUST HAVES as of right now.. Theo is 1 month today, so I gathered as many things as I could remember needing these last few weeks. 

 Baby Theo & I 
 So, here we have many items I don't think I could live without. I'll start on the left! My boppy is an absolute must, and not just for breastfeeding. On top of that, is Theo's Wubbanub and one of the Swaddle Me Swaddles. Swaddles are such a must. Newborns have the startle reflex and in their sleep this reflex can wake them..keeping them snug as a bug in a swaddle will help reduce the startle reflex, reminding your little bundle of joy of mommy's cozy womb. I have the Johnson's hand & face wipes, pacifier wipes, and Johnson's head to toe wipes. Just above that, Munchkin water proof pads, they are perfect for on top of the changing pad cover. Trust me, any extra coverage helps. Some baby lotion, of course. A diaper bag, DUH.. Hanging off my diaper bag is diaper bags that smell like lavender. Yes, that is a sleeper...not just any sleeper though. It ZIPS! Listen up mommies, when you're up and down all night and sleep deprived, buttons are not your friend. Do the smart thing, get some zip ups! The beanie is from baby gap, super soft! Beanies kind of explain themselves I think. There is a stack of blankets and a stack of burp cloths. Mark my words - there is no such thing as too many blankets and burp cloths for your baby. No. Such.Thing. Some A&D and a bum applicator. Formula just incase I needed to supplement. And lastly, diapers and wipes. 
 Bottle warmer, yes. Just yes. Bottle sterilizer & Bottle drying rack. Got it, Love it, Need it. 
 Okay, so this white noise machine was a gift. Trevor's cousin informed him we 100% had to have one, it's the baby whisperer. Truth be told, we use it every night. 
 Yup, you guessed it.. you need a newborn for your newborn must haves! haha.. 
This is Theo. He is in his Fisher-Price Rock n Play. Known as a "Taco" in our house. This thing is amazing. It folds up nice and easy and is perfect for transporting anywhere. This one rocks, has sounds, and vibrates. Theo loves it. 
 Here are just a few things I wanted to have on hand just incase, and turns out I needed a few of them. Nail file is a must, babies have freshly sharpened blades for nails. Gripe water & Gas Relief drops are a huge help when little one gets gas pains. This Braun thermometer is amazing. Get it. 
Any pack n play will work. I got this Graco pack n play that came with an infant seat that flips over to a changing pad. I just took off the infant seat part the other day. This is in our bedroom, just a couple feet away from the bed. I didn't see the point in getting a bassinet when I'd need a pack n play in a few months anyway..I saved the money and have just used this. It's been great. I'm looking into a DockATot and seeing about getting one to use and review - So stay tooned for that!

I'm sure there are a few things I've used and forgotten to mention but for the most part these have been main staples in our crazy & exciting life with a newborn. 
If you have any questions, please comment or contact me! I'd love to hear about your must haves after bringing baby home. 
Thanks for the love & support!
Don't forget to share and subscribe
Jessica Rae

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