Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Into My Pumping Travel Bag

Today was my first day back to classes for the New Year, and being that I was away from my little man, I had to pump while on the go. I thought it would be nice to share what I keep in my pumping bag! 
As I've mentioned before, I am a senior in nursing school. Keeps me on busy. As much as I wish I could take maternity leave until Theo starts school himself, I can't. This degree being my dream, I owe it to my son, my family, and myself to see it through to graduation. Even as a new mommy, I must learn to away from my baby. Which means many minutes hooked to a breast pump. 
I have a large tote that I call my "pumping travel bag". In my tote I keep my pump, both the wall plug and a car adapter, the tubes that hook to the pieces that suction to my breasts in order to pump. I also keep breast pads, cause yes..leaking is real. I keep the medela cleaning wipes to give everything a nice wipe down after each use (I sterilize everything when I get home). Okay, the mini cooler bag is obviously to store my expressed milk in and the snacks are because pumping makes me hungry and my appetite has been little to none since Theo was born, so anytime I'm the least bit hungry..I keep different types of yummy bars ready to munch on. The scarf, is to constantly be in style..DUH. No, I'm playing. It's to cover up while I drive.. I also keep a nursing cover in my car. However, I find a scarf is a bit easier while pumping and driving. 
I was pretty nervous about taking my pumping gear on the road with me, but having a well packed bag really helped. I'd say today was pretty successful. After all, I got the job done as far as pumping milk out to feed my son. Success! 
Lecture wasn't half bad today either, it's another start to another course with new patients that gets me closer to the end goal. My courses run 8 weeks long, which is half the normal course length. 

If anyone has any questions about my pumping schedule, the products I use, or the supplements I take to help improve my milk supply... please, ask!! 
Also, I would love to answer any questions you have about nursing school. 
Let's chat!
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