Monday, January 2, 2017

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017


2016 easily became the best year of my life. Why? You may ask. Well, I became a mother. A title I honestly never thought I'd hold. On December 9, 2016 at 7:02 am, Theodore James Rees arrived and stole my heart. Yes, I am a very over protective and paranoid mom. I have that mentality like... "Mine!" (haha). Nobody does anything like I want it done, and honestly I prefer to do everything. It's quite funny, but sometimes not so great when family is trying to just help. What can I say? He is mine after all.. 
Theo is in fact my most precious Christmas gift of 2016. However, I got many generous and awesome gifts. A few of my faves are below. These gifts I've chosen to share are not everything I received, for I am blessed with the most generous family. Considering I have a slight buffalo checkered plaid obsession, I'd say my family came through!! 
A big goal of mine for 2017 is to take better care of my myself. I've always been pretty fit, besides now being 3 weeks postpartum. Anyway, like I was saying... I've always been pretty fit, but I've never been too great at skin care. So in 2017, I hope to become more familiar with skin care products and companies. If ya'll have any suggestions, please comment below!! 
Burberry is my favorite company aside from J. Crew. 
Kate Spade earrings should be a staple in every lady's collection, and my beloved second mom (Barbie) got me mine! Yes, her name is Barbie and yes, she is blonde and gorgeous. 
I am so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends who chose to give such amazing gifts. Many are not in my photo nor are they mentioned, but please know, I am extremely grateful. 

That's it for 2016... Christmas ended the best year of my life. Though the year came to a happy end, I'll never forget the joy and wonderful memories. 
On to 2017? Yes! How exciting! 
I love new beginnings.. 
Here are my TOP 10 GOALS for 2017:

1. Be the best Mother I can be
2. Be kind to others (Sometimes I struggle with this)
3. Lose the rest of my baby weight, plus an additional 15 lbs. (Obviously)
4. Read more (Hints the Kindle for Christmas)
5. Attend Church more
6. Pass all my courses & graduate from nursing school
7. Pass NCLEX on the first attempt
8. Take better care of myself fully (Health is wealth, they say)
9. Develop Rees.In.Pieces to the high level blog I know it can become
10. Overall, be a better spouse, better daughter, better sister.. (there is always room to grow)

Okay, this is long enough.. sorry! Thanks for tagging along on my journey, be sure to subscribe!

P.S. I am supposed to be getting a new camera here very soon, which will hopefully improve my photo quality! 

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