Friday, December 30, 2016

Hello World!

Hello Blog World!

I had previously attempted to make my original mark within the blogging world on wix, however it was less than impressive. After doing some research and learning a tad bit more, I thought the right move to make was to make a switch. 
I had published 4 posts on wix ranging from an introduction to my labor & delivery experience from having my son. 

I should say, I haven't yet gotten the camera I want to take my blog to a higher level, and I haven't quite gotten the hang of things as far as blogging goes. However, this is something I have always wanted to do. 

A Little About Me:

My name is Jessica and I am a college student at Chamberlain College of Nursing. I'm a daughter to the best parents, a sister to one of the smartest women I know, a new mommy to the most adorable baby boy, and a significant other to one of the greatest men. I enjoy working out, attempting to eat healthy 90% of the time (it's more like 70%), hunting, fishing, and so much more. I live a very busy and full life that I'd like to not only share with all of you, but to document all my experiences as well. 
My family is most important to me, even more so now that I'm a mom! My mom is a blessing, if I can be half the mother she is - then I'll be great. I hope to be the type of mother she is. I enjoy college, but now being so close to graduation - I'm ready to be finished and practicing as an RN-BSN. 

These are my parents <3

This is Trevor, we have been together a little over 5 years. 

Finally, this is me. I'm a coffee driven nursing student learning all the in's and out's of being a new mom. 

I hope to develop this blog into a record of information and experiences that others can learn and grow from. As I've said above, I enjoy a little bit of everything... so, that's kind of what I'll be addressing here. 
A little bit of everything, from health and fitness to beauty and skincare. I'll publish what I learn from being a senior in college and a brand new mommy as well. 

I believe there is so many adventures out there for us all to explore, I hope to explore and experience so much and have the opportunity to share it all with ya'll. 

Okay, well my little man is snoozing away and I need some snuggles. He's 3 weeks old today and it's going by WAY too fast! I also have to start preparing for my mental health class that begins Tuesday. In nursing school, you really do need a few days to read and prepare just for class. 

Love, Jessica